Meet Our Team

del collins

Del Collins
Tulsa CSL Treasurer

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Willeta Lingle

Willeta Lingle
Tulsa CSL Music Director

I have been a part of Tulsa CSL for 48 years. When I first attended Tulsa CSL, which at that time was known as the Science of Mind Center of Tulsa, Dr. Jean Amos was the minister. That day she was explaining “creation,” and I was enthralled! I had finally found a great philosophy with which I could resonate.

I was the youth teacher for a few years, and have been with the music team and now Music Director for years as well.

I am an RScP (Registered Science of Mind Practitioner – meaning I offer prayer and spiritual support to anyone in need), and currently lead the Wednesday evening drum circle as well.

I am blessed for CSL Tulsa and our amazing spiritual family!

Randy Kirtley

Randy Kirtley
Tulsa CSL President

I found the Science of Mind philosophy in 1998 in a center in Spokane, WA.  I joined CSL Tulsa in 2004.

With this philosophy, I have made many changes in my life and continue to do so.

My life’s mission is to continue expanding consciousness not only for myself but for expanding the consciousness of the planet.

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Gayle Trotter
Tulsa Member at Large

I have been attending TCSL for over 10 years. I sang in the choir, have taken classes, taken part in as many church activities as possible & drumming is great!! TCSL actually supported me spiritually at a time I needed it most. It works!!

T – Together

C – Creating

S – Spiritual

L – Living & Love

And it all starts from within. Within TCSL whose teachings inspire us to go within, find peace, & spread love & joy.

To be all & everything we can be!!

Brad Carlson, RScP
Tulsa CSL Practitioner and Speaker

I have been a member of Tulsa CSL since December 2019. I have enjoyed learning the philosophy of SOM and have found that it has shaped my views tremendously.

Perhaps the part that has most influenced me is that everything on our outsdie world is dictated by what is happening on our inside world. It truly is an inside job.

My favorite quote by Ernest Holmes is “keep knocking on the door of your conciousness until every negation an affirmation, every no a yes.”

Chris Meyers-Baker
Tulsa CSL Member-At-Large & Singer

Chris Baker retired in 2016 from Tulsa Community College where she taught Humanities for 42 years.  She has been affiliated with the Center for Spiritual Living for nearly 5 decades — taking classes, doing the special music once a month and, more recently, giving the message once a month as well. 

“I feel that the spiritual message of this church is very important to both the advancement of the individual and of society as a whole. We must learn that it is our own thoughts and feelings that determine our life experience and not some anonymous ‘They’.”